How to reset user name and password for your joomla installation?

You can reset the administrator user name and password joomla through PHPMyAdmin on your control panel.
To do this, consider the steps - these steps:

  1. Log in to your cPanel, then select the menu PHPMyAdmin.
  2. On page PHPMyAdmin select the Joomla database list (if installed joomla in a separate folder), or list the database directory on your domain.
  3. Then select the table "jos_users", and click the tab "browse"
  4. Note the list of usernames which has ID = 62 with the caption "Super Administrator", then click menu "edit" (pencil icon).
  5. Password that you see on the edit menu is a string has SQL from a series of letters or numbers in the password. To change your password to string a series of hash please click here.
  6. Copy and fill in the password that has been converted into a string hash in the password field.
  7. Click "Go" to save changes.
  8. Please log in again in your Joomla administrator, using the password has been changed.

After you successfully enter / log-in into your joomla account, you can make a change passwords back via the settings in the joomla account manager.

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