Transfering hosting account without downtime

As long as your hosting account on the previous hosting provider is still active, transferring your hosting to HostMop can be done without experiencing downtime by doing the following steps:

  • Please order the hosting packages you need first. Make sure your hosting account on the previous hosting provider is still active.
  • Back up files and export the database in the account of your previous hosting provider, or you can simply inform us your user ID and password of your hosting account cPanel and we will do a backup for you.
  • Upload your files and import the database of your site on your hosting account in HostMop, in this case, we can help you to do this by giving us information on the User ID and Password in your HostMop hosting account.
  • Create your email account.
  • If you include domain transfer, make sure you have the EPP code and the domain's status is not in the "Lock so that domain transfer can be processed.
  • When you only choose to transfer hosting only, make sure you've changed the name servers on your domain to HostMop name servers. This name server changes took around 2 x 24 hours to propagate. In this process your site remains accessible; however the email traffic will be slightly impaired in the process of receiving emails, sometimes email still go into the email account on your old hosting provider.
  • After the propagation is finished and DNS has been resolved, the process of switching hosting is completed, please you terminate your old hosting account or let to the previous active period is completed.

Your hosting account already entirely in HostMop, you can start to updates or modifies your site.

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