"White label" means products which do not have our logo and can be branded. Yes, our...
If I'm a reseller, how am I support my client?For reseller hosting, all client under them are support by their own. We will provide support and...
Am I allowed to have MP3s ?You are allowed to host mp3 files, as long you do not violate our ToS. Also, remember that...
Are your servers PCI compliant?All of our cluster servers have been updated for PCI compliance. If you see any problems, just...
Are your servers Unix / Linux, or Windows NT?All of our shared webhosting, reseller, and VPS accounts run on Linux.
BoxTrapperBox Trapper returns a confirmation email to senders, who must reply before their email is...
Can I add my own CGI scripts?Our LINUX web servers have the capability to run CGI scripts in your own 'cgi-bin' directory....
Can I get extra bandwidth and space?If you need more bandwidth or disk space, please upgrade to the next package.
Can I host a site designed in iWeb from a Mac?Yes, you can host iWeb sites on your hosting account. Your username would be 'publish to...
Can I host friends?Yes, you can host sites for your friends on your Web Hosting account, as long as you are not...
Can I install TeamSpeak on a shared hosting account?It is only possible to install TeamSpeak on our dedicated server hosting packages at the moment,...
Can I password protect directories?Yes you can password protect directories with multiple usernames and passwords, from within...
Can I see web templates provided by you?Our shared hosting plans comes with website templates provided by RVSiteBuilder. You may visit...
Can I test your hosting without paying?I am sorry we cannot offer a test account.
Can I use my existing domain name with A web hosting package?Yes, you can use your existing domain name with any of our web hosting packages. Once your...
Choosing the right products / servicesWhat hosting products and services can I use? In general, the hosting products and services can...
Custom InstallationsCan I install the programs myself? As long as you can upload the install files to your site...
Do HostMop Used Anti-virus On Server?There is no need for us to provide anti-virus on a Linux box. We manage those, and our...
Do you allow mailing list from your hosting packages?No, we do not allowed mailing list in any of our shared hosting packages because it will use a...
Do you allow sites to advertise for money on their web site with banners, ads, etc?Yes, we allow sites to have commercial advertisements and banners. We do not place our own...
Do you host pornographic web sites?No, we do not allow pornographic web sites, mainly because not every law in the world allowed...
Do you need a static IP address for self-signed SSL certificates?You do need to have a Static IP if you are using your own SSL Certificate. To use an SSL your...
Do you offer Ruby on Rails support?Yes, we offer Ruby on Rails support. The web program can be found in your cPanel account under...
Do you offer SSH (Shell Access) or Terminal Services (Remote Desktop)?We do not offer SSH or terminal services access on our shared hosting plans, as it lowers the...
Do you offer SSL Certificates?A shared SSL Certificate is provided with every shared hosting account. Private SSL...
Do you offer dedicated server in Indonesia?Yes, we do offer dedicated server in our IIX / OpenIXP network. Please contact us at...
Do you offer monthly payment plans on all of your packages?Most of our hosting plans come with a monthly billing option. Once you have selected the plan for...
Do you offer reseller accounts with WHM?Yes we offer reseller plans which you can manage using WHM You can view our reseller plans at...
Do you offer support in other languages?We only offer support in English and Indonesia. However, if an employee here can speak your...
Do you offer support via Yahoo! Messenger?As for now, we do not use Yahoo! Messenger as our communication tool, however you can use our...
Do you provide backups? Backup Policy?You are responsible for your backups and web content! We do backups weekly or monthly...
Do you support FastCGI or WSGI?At present we only support FastCGI and not WSGI.
Do you support JBoss?Yes, we support JBoss on our dedicated server plans, Tomcat also needs to be installed on the...
Do you support Java?Yes we support Java Script on our shared and dedicated servers. We also support Java Server...
Do you support LAMP?LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Yes, we do have all of these on our shared...
Do you support Shoutcast?Shoutcast is supported on any of our's dedicated server accounts, but not currently on our shared...
Do you work with Macs?Yes, it does. Everything on your account works on our servers, so it doesn't matter what your...
Do your servers support the PHP GD Library?Yes, we supports PHP GD Library. You can upload the ttf's to your site and have GD call them.
Does your Indonesian data center connected to OpenIXP / IIX ?Yes, currently we are connected to 2 Gbps OpenIXP network in Cyber Building, Jakarta. The best...
How To Transfer Domain To HostMopTo transfer your domains to HostMop, please do the following steps: Do Domain Order...
How can I get my free website transfers?Please note that free content transfers are only offered with new orders and upgrades....
How can I transfer my Blogger site to your hosting?Since Blogger (blogspot) isn't an actual hosting company, there's no real way to transfer the...
How do I add a user to my cPanel account?Only one primary login can be issued per cPanel account, so it is not currently possible to add a...
How long until my hosting account Is activated?Web hosting accounts are provisioned automatically in less than 24 hours after payments and...
How many websites can I build?There is no way to determine the number of websites you can host on our accounts. The number...
How often do you update programs?We update each program as soon as our server administration team approves it. Often updates...
Is IMAP supported?IMAP is enabled by default on the shared hosting server plans, there is no configuration required...
Is Tomcat supported?Tomcat is supported on our's dedicated server & VPS accounts, but not currently on our shared...
Is WYSIWYG available?What You See Is What You Get... WYSIWYG It's a type of HTML editor that lets you make...
Is file sharing allowed?We don't normally allow file sharing websites, because we are not in the business of hosting and...
Is our price negotiable?No, we believe that we already give the best price to our customers.
Tell me about ApacheApache is the program on our servers used to view web pages. What are the maximum number of...
Three Simple Step To Change My Hosting Product And ServiceFor customers who already use the product and previous hosting service, you can use HostMop...
Transfering hosting account without downtimeAs long as your hosting account on the previous hosting provider is still active, transferring...
What Is Fantastico DeLuxe?Fantastico Deluxe is a commercial script library which automates the installation of web...
What Is Overselling Resourcess, Can I Do It On My Reseller Account?Overselling In Reseller Hosting Overselling in reseller hosting basically means to sell beyond...
What file system do you use on Linux?Linux supports many different file systems, but common choices for the system disk include the...
What is Server Load?Load expresses how many processes are waiting in the queue to access the computer processor. Of...
What is an SSL Certificate?What is SSL? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. What SSL does is encrypt data when it it...
What is bandwidth?In website hosting, the term "bandwidth" is often used to describe the amount of data transferred...
What is the difference between a .au domain name and other domain name extensions such as .com?Each domain name extension forms a seperate, distinct domain name. For example...
What is the differences between Simple Hosting and Complete HostingSimple Hosting and Complete Hosting Differences between Simple Hosting and Complete...
What is web hosting?How to Start Online Activities on the Internet. Online activity in the Internet can mean many...
What makes a username or password invalid?Here are the rules for your hosting user name and password. Username must be alphanumeric...
What should I do to restore a site or a part of a site?To restore a site or part of a site (such as databases) you required to request hosting transfer...
Where can I get help with Design and Coding Issues?We do not offer a service like this.For design issues, you might want to try...
Why don't you allow overselling for reseller hosting packages?We do not allow overselling in our reseller hosting services. Almost all reseller's offering...
Why is my account suspended?Some reason why your account has been suspend: You are not following our AUP, TOS and Privacy...
Why our prices are so low?We get many questions like above. You are also probably wondering how can we charge so low and...
Will my existing email accounts be transferred over as well?If your previous hosting company uses cPanel, then we can migrate your current email boxes and...
Will my website work in China?China has a sophisticated firewall. The government blocks many sites because of their variety...
Your site is similar to other site? Do you have any affiliation with other company?...
kSplicekSplice is being rolled out onto the dedicated servers at this time. This roll out will...